Advertising for; the TNT travel show.
Their marketing campaign-
TNT puts together an extensive 10-week advertising and advertorial campaign in TNT Magazine and online at They target their advertising in key London media outlets driving traffic to this dedicated website, where visitors and exhibitors can keep up to date with the latest show information.
On the Travel show website they explain their campaign for advertising the show, so it is clear to potential exhibitors the means they have behind them. They work with a PR agency to “maximise exposure in London, national and international travel and trade broadcast, print and online media”.
They also use there TNT newsletters and magazine to promote the event, with weekly features in TNT Extra, TNT's biweekly e-newsletters, each of which are distributed to more than 55,000 subscribers.
Promotion is also pushed on TNT's partner websites and newsletters.
The objectives of this advertising campaign are both for the purpose of gaining attendees to the event but also bringing in exhibitors. The more media attention and promotional campaign there is the more exhibitors will be interested in the event because it will be worthwhile to them.
As the rates for having a stand at the event are very competitive at;
> £335 PER M2 + VAT – for the shell scheme option (which as detailed in their media pack, is where the furniture, stand design and power sourcing is included)
> £295 PER M2 + VAT – for the space-only option (which as it suggests is just carpeted floor space)
With these costs to exhibitors it is important for TNT to have a strong marketing campaign they can show off, as this will show potential exhibitors it will be beneficial for them to make this initial investment as the number of people who will attend due to their advertising will be in good figures.
In there marketing pack they promote that,
Basically showing that it is a worth while thing for these businesses to attend.
The budget of the promotional campaign is also a point to be considered as predominantly, the higher the spend on advertising the better the event will be promoted and the more guests wil be attending.
As the travel show is gaining more guests each year they can afford to input large amounts of money into the promotion of the show and all that entails including using the right media choice and ensuring the correct target market are thoroughly reached.
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